Joseph Pilsudski was born on December 5, 1867 to the noble Pilsudski family in their Zulow Manor in present day Lithuania. Both of Pilsudski's parents greatly cherished Polish traditions, and even though Poland was not existant at the time, they considered themselves Polish (Biskupski). The enviorment in which Pilsudski was born in greatly indoctrinated Polish thoughts and ideas from a young age. He would then use these ideas in his future accomplishments. -
Period: to
Joseph Pilsudski
In 1874, the Zulow Manor where the Pilsudski's had been living had been heavily damaged by a fire. It is unknown what the exact date is or what started it. This forced the family to move to Wilno, present day Vilnius, Lithuania (Brittanica.com). This began a significant period in Pilsudski's life because it brought him to a more metropolitan area where oppression of the Poles is much more heavily enforced. In Wilno, Pilsudski truly began seeing how Poland was mistreated. -
World Event Garfield Assassination
American president James A. Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2nd, 1881. He was the second president to be assassinated and died from his injury on September 19th, 1881. This allowed the then vice-president Chester A. Arthur to become president. -
World Event Ellis Island opens
The flood of immigrants forced the United States government to open up a new center for immigrant processing New York harbor. This was named Ellis Island and greated millions of immagrants to America. Ellis Island opened up along with new possiblity for foreigners and strenghthened the significance and meaning of the American Dream. -
Underground Newspaper
On July 12th, 1894, Pilsudski had decided to publish an underground newspaper named "Robotnik", or the Worker. This newspaper caused a stir among the masses and succeeded to promote socialist thinking, Polish Nationalism and anti-russian activity (Thayer Watkins). The "Robotnik" suceeded in propagandizing the Polish cause, and help Pilsudski gain a large following. It is this gathering that would later be converted to a Polish Army. -
World Event First Modern Olympics
The first modern Olympic Games are held in Athens, Greece. The original Olympics date back to 776 BC and were held at Olympia on the border of Greece and Macedonia and only Greeks were allowed to compete. The Greeks revived their most famous cultural icon that is still participated today on a global level. -
On Febuary the 22nd, 1900, Pilsudski was arrested for treason in Lodz, Poland. After feighning mental illness, Pilsudski was sent to the St. Nicholas the MIracle Worker Mental facility in St. Petersburg. A year after his capture, he escaped the facility and returned to Poland (San Jose). This action proved that Pilsudski's bravery and cunning is something that the Russians should watch for. This act of bravery had gained him even more followers and support from other similar movements. -
World Event Wright Brothers
Orville and Wilbur Wright fly the first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air plane at Kitty Hawk, N.C. a total of four times. The longest of which was 59 seconds. This was the start of aviation, which would shape the world greatly and is still in heavy use today. -
Proposed Alliance with Japan
During this time, Russia was heavily at war with Japan. Pilsudski saw a chance to become allies with Japan to fight along side each other against Russia. Although convinced, the Japanese were eased out of an alliance by Roman Dmowski, a right wing politician who opposed Pilsudski and believed the alliance was doomed to fail (Biskupski).
This was one of the first times that Pilsudski's vision of Poland was taken under consideration. Pilsudski was given no choice but to craft an army. -
Robbery of Russian Train.
On September 26th, 1908, Pilsudski and his men robbed a Russian mail train carrying tax revenues from Warsaw to Saint Petersburg. The money taken from that single raid equaled 200,812 rubles, a great sum at the time (San Jose). The sum of money from that trip alone helped fund Pilsudski's organization and upgrade it to an army. -
"Riflemen Clubs"
The Austrians saw Pilsudski's army as a potential threat to its Russian enemy neighbors. After much talk, Austrian officials decided to allow Pilsudski to have two legal paramilitary organizations within Austrian borders. Pilsudski disguised these as "Riflemen Clubs", and continued to train fellow officers and soldiers (Biskupski). The creation of two legal organizations had only strenghtened the nucleus of the future Polish Army. Now the army did not have to train in secrecy. -
World Event Titanic
The Titanic, a ship deemed "unsinkable", sinks off the coast of Newfoundland. The cause of the accident which left more that 1000 dead was said to be an iceberg. The maiden voyage of the Titanic became one of the most well known historical stories known to date. -
Polish Legions
On August 27th, 1914, Pilsudski had gathered all people of Polish heritage that were willing to fight. These soldiers were brought together and named the "Polish Legion', which was broken up into three brigades. The Polish Legion fought for Austria and managed to take on the Eastern Front (Thayer Watkins). The creation of the Polish Legions allowed Pilsudski to gain status as a strong general. It had also gave expirience to what would soon be the National Polish Army. -
Battle for Warsaw
The Russians saw the end of WW1 as an opportunity to spread communist influence across Europe. The only thing that stands in their way is Poland. After a tought counter attack, the Polish were chased back into their capitol, Warsaw. There Pilsudski cleverly outflanked the Russians, defeating them and chasing them out of Europe (San Jose). Without Pilsudski's strong miitary skills, Russia would have succeeded in spreading communist ,and anarchy throughout Europe. -
World Event 19th Amendment
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment guarantees all women in the United States the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle full of protests. This pushed the United States closer to full equality of all people. -
Coup d'etat
At this time, Pilsduski had full control over Poland's Army. After seeing the slow progression in Poland's Parliament, he marched him army to Warsaw and staged a coup, becoming Poland's de facto dictator. He had used this power to "purify" Polish politics in a movement called "Sanacja" (Thayer Watkins). Poland's early years of government where unfortunately filled with corruption and deceit. When Pilsudski held the center stage as dictator, Poland began improving economically. Source: -
By 1935, the fact that Pilsudski's health had been quickly declining was hidden from the public. Pilsudski died of liver cancer at sixty-seven years at Warsaw's Belweder Palace (Britannica.com). His death brought the end to an era of Polish independance and nationalism that has not yet been surpassed to this day.