Journey to Teaching

By KarenT
  • Graduated SUNY Cortland

    Graduated SUNY Cortland
    Graduated from SUNY Cortland
    B.A. Sociology/Criminology/History
  • Road Trip Cross Country

    Road Trip Cross Country
    Sorry, Had to include it!
  • Cross Country Road Trip Part II

    Cross Country Road Trip Part II
    Had to show I was up to something:)
  • Teacher/Site Supervisor

    Teacher/Site Supervisor
    Rainbow Chilmes Early Childhood Education Center
  • Student Teacher

    Student Teacher
    4th and 1st Grade Student Teacher in Tangier Smith Elementary School
    Board display: Persuasive Writing: Save the Pandas
  • Graduated Long Island University

    Graduated Long Island University
    Graduated LIU M.S. Childhhod Edcuation/ Childhood Special Education
  • Per Diem Substitute

    Per Diem Substitute
    Perm Sub in Tangier Smith
  • 3rd grade Leave Replacement

    3rd grade Leave Replacement
    3rd Grade Integrated Co-Teaching Leave in Tangier Smith
    Display highlighting a unit study on China
  • Permanenet Substitute Teacher

    Permanenet Substitute Teacher
  • 5th grade Leave Replacement

    5th grade Leave Replacement
    Board highlighting Community Library's Paint the Towm Read Program
  • 1st Grade Teacher

    1st Grade Teacher
    YAY! 1st Grade Integrated Co-Teaching Assignment