Around 460 B.C a greek philoshopher questioned the Democritis and asked them: if you break a pice of matter in half, and then break it again, how many breaks will will you have to make before you can break no further? People considered Aristotle's opinnion and the Democritus was Scilenced. -
Period: 460 to
Evalution Of The Atom
Dec 15, 600
Thales of Miltus
Actually, the thought about electricity came before atoms. In about 600 B.C Thales of Miletus discovered that a piece of amber, after rubbing it with fur, attracts bits of hair and feather and other light objects. He suggested that this mysterious force came from the amber. -
John Dalton
For more than 2000 years nobody did anything to countinue the explorations. Not until the early 1800 did this guy named John Dalton found some evidance of the atom although he dind no know about their structure but he knew that evidance pointed to something fundamental. -
J.J Thompson
In 1897 a scientis named J.J Thompson dicoverd discoverd the electron a made a structure of the atom. -
Max Planck
Max Planck showed when you heat up atoms they vibrate and get lots of energy. -
Albert Eienstien Wrote Something!!!
Albert Eienstien wrote a ground-breaking paper that explained light absorbstion can relese electrons from atoms; this theory was named Photoelectric Effect. -
Ernest Rutherford
- Major Portion of aatom is empty
- The whole mass of the atom is concentrated in the center of atom called nucleaus.
- The charge on the nucleaus of the atom is equal to (z.e) where Z= charge Number.
Niels Bohr
He made two Rules:
1. Electrons can orbit at only a certain allowed distances from the nucleus.2. Atoms radicate energy when an electron jumps from a higher energy orbit to a lower energy. Also , an atom absorbs energy when an electron gets boosted from a lower energy orbit to a higher energy orbit. -
Hund's Rule
Hund stated that if sevral orbitals of the same type are avalibale then they all will be filled first, singly with electrons having parrallel spin and then in pairs having anti-parrallel spins. -
Aufbau's Principle
According to aufbau rule, the orbitals of lower energy are filled first and then the orbitals of higer energy are filled successively. -
Pauli's Explosion Principle
Pauli stated that no two atoms in an atom can have the sam set of all four quantum numbers.