
  • Period: to


  • Jounal 1

    Today I barely finished my second puzzle with my coping saw, which I prefer to have the blade backwards on. I would've gotten to my third, but I had to do my vision and hearing screening. My vision was a 25/25. and I passed my hearing test. I was annoyed that I didn't have time to finish the puzzle project, because I really enjoyed it. I accidentally cut angled peices. Be Σπεχιλ
  • Puzzle summary

    This journal is a summary of our puzzle project. I made two puzzles, instead of the requested four, because I didn’t have the time to finish. I had fun, and ⅞ of my pieces locked in. I made diagonal cuts, but most of them weren’t diagonal enough to be noticed.
    My favorite part was seeing the painted puzzles at the end and making a tagxedo. (§2)
    My least favorite part was that I had vision/hearing screening in the middle of the last day. It meant I only had the time for two puzzles. My