Journal 3 - Where are you from?

  • Playing outside with my cousins

    Playing outside with my cousins
    My early childhood years are a huge part of my life - Attending camps, going to the pool, biking, jumping on the trampoline, going to the park, and hunting.
  • My Grandma Irene Passing

  • Hunting, Fishing being on the land

    Hunting, Fishing being on the land
  • Grandma Mary Passing

    This had a huge impact on my life. My grandma Mary had cancer, and we took care of her....attended cancer walks, shaved our hair, fundraised, hosted talent shows etc. Took in my mom's adopted sister. This had a huge impact on my family as well.
  • Passing of my Grandpa Ed

  • School Trips

    I went to REM (Rural Experimental Model) which is something rural schools used to do and it was the best time of my entire life. Ottawa school trip Europe school trip Ottawa Peel Water Shed trip Edmonton Dream Catchers Conference Paddling the Wind and Peel Rivers
  • Graduating High school

    Graduating High school
    I graduated high school, bought my formal dress and made my native dress, and was very proud to attend Native Grad!
  • Attended Yukon College

    Attended Yukon College for only 3 months before getting home sick and moving back to Mayo. Where I began working at the Daycare again.
  • Applying for ELCC Program

    Began my long journey in the ELCC program
  • Moving to Whitehorse to work at Dusk'a

    I moved to Whitehorse, tried living on my own and began working at Dusk'a. Had a hard time living on my own and moved in with my boyfriend.
  • Family and Friends passing away as well as Covid times

    Drugs, Alcohol, and suicide-related deaths. Covid
  • Grandpa Joe passing

  • Little sister's addictions

    Huge trauma and impact on my life that is still continuing today Work
  • Passing of my Grandma Lena

    Passing of my Grandma Lena
  • New found love for beading and sewing

    I've always beaded and made things but I quit my job to pursue it more. Opened store in Carcross Commons
  • Trying to Finish my last few courses of ELCC and now

    After dropping out of my courses last year because of the situation I was going through with my sister and the passing of my Grandma Lena I am finally going back to school. Broke up with Boyfriend of 4 years. Got a dog