Joshua Metcalf Timeline of the Rise of the Nazi Party

By sody
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    1918 - End of World War I

    The German Empire collapses, leading to political instability and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which imposes heavy reparations and territorial losses on Germany.
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    1919 - Formation of the German Workers' Party (DAP)

    Anton Drexler and others establish the DAP, which lays the groundwork for what will become the Nazi Party.
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    1920 - Rebranding to National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)

    The DAP is renamed NSDAP. Adolf Hitler joins the party and begins to gain influence.
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    1923 - Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler attempts a coup in Munich to overthrow the Weimar government but is arrested. This event raises his profile nationally.
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    1924 - Hitler’s Prison Sentence

    After the failed putsch, Hitler is sentenced to prison where he writes "Mein Kampf," outlining his ideology and political plans.
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    1925 - NSDAP Reorganization

    After his release from prison, Hitler rebuilds the party, emphasizing propaganda and mass rallies to attract new members.
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    1929 - The Great Depression Begins

    The global economic crisis leads to widespread unemployment and social unrest in Germany, increasing public support for extremist parties, including the Nazis.
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    1930 - Electoral Gains

    In the Reichstag elections, the NSDAP wins 18.3% of the vote, becoming the second-largest party and gaining significant representation.
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    1932 - Major Electoral Victories

    The Nazis become the largest party in the Reichstag in July, winning 230 seats but failing to gain an outright majority.
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    1933 - Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany, marking the beginning of Nazi rule and the dismantling of democracy.