Joshua Grimes coivd 19 time line

By 2097443
  • Period: to

    classifying COVID-19 as a contagion

    In china studys started a found that a new disease was around and had ardy infected a lot of people.
  • Date and location of the first known case in France.

    Date and location of the first known case in France.
    location of the first known case in France was in paris at that time it was clasified as numouya
  • COVID-19 discovered

    COVID-19 discovered
    covid was first found in Wuhan china it was reported as pneumonia
  • Date and location of the first known case in Japan

  • the who are notified

    the who are notified
    the who are notified of the covid virus
  • first deaths in Wuhan, China

    first deaths in Wuhan, China
    the frist death in china
  • the first known case outside of Wuhan, China

     the first known case outside of Wuhan, China
    the first known case outside of Wuhan, China was in Thailand
  • Date and location of the first known case in Taiwan.

  • covid arivel in Canada

  • covid arivel in colrado

    arivel date unkonown
  • Date and location of the first known case in Germany

    Date and location of the first known case in Germany
    Munich, Bavaria.
  • Date and location of the first known case in Russia.

    Date and location of the first known case in Russia.
    the locashon is unknown but it spred son after the covid vires was anuced
  • the frist case in the U.K and locashon

    the frist case in the U.K and locashon
    York, North Yorkshire
  • Date and location of the first known case in Vietnam

  • the first know case in Italy.

     the first know case in Italy.
  • Date and location of the first death from COVID-19 in Italy.

    Date and location of the first death from COVID-19 in Italy.
  • Date and location of the first known case in the and location of the first death from COVID-19 in the U.S.

    Date and location of the first known case in the and location of the first death from COVID-19 in the U.S.
  • Date of the first death from COVID-19 in Colorado.

  • china informs the U.S

    china informs the U.S
    the Chinese government formally notified the U.S. of the outbreak at the whit house briefing.
  • world map of covid infekson

    world map of covid infekson