Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise is an Agreement made by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter the Union as a free -
Nollification Crisis
The Nollification Crisis was the result of Increase of terrif on imported goods, therefor south carolina did not want to charge and pay the terrif. Not soon after John Adams passed the Alien and Sedation Act to punish all those that spoke harshly about the federal policies. -
Gag Rule
The gag rule are rules that limit discussion of a particular topic by members of a legislative -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was a bill Put Before the US HOuse of Representatives to enable president polk to create a territorial settlement with mexico -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was published march 20th 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This book was written to show the truth and crual reality of slavery. Slavery was kept on the 'down low" so this book showed a side of slavery that wasn't widely known. This book had such an impact on americans that it intensified sectionalism in the US. -
Kansas- Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed people to decide weather or not to allow slavery into there states. -
Brook's Summer Incident
The Brook summer Affair was an incident that took place in the senate where Preston S. Brooks beat Charles Summers with a cane in the court room -
Freeport Doctrine
The freeport doctrine was Created by Stephen Douglas at the second of Lincoln's debate. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott decision was the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States that made slavery legal in all U.S -
Harpers Ferry
Abolitionist John Brown raided Harper's Ferry, taking over a supply of guns and ammunition with the plan to distribute them to slaves -
Election of 1860
The election of 1860 accuretly depicted the precarious condition of the Country after a decade of termoil.