
Josh Klasmeier WW2

  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    20,000 - 80,000 thousand women were sexually assaulted. It happened in Japan due to world war two. The impact was 200-300 thousand people were massacred as a result.
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    German Blitzkrieg

    Blitzkrieg was a German war tactic. It was used as a way to take control of country's. Also known as lightning war. This was used when Germans tried to take control of Poland and later used to take control of Belgium, Netherlands and France.
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    Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany invades Poland from the west and the soviets union invaded from the east. Hitler did this because he needed more land . This ended up starting WW2 as a result.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7 1941 Japanese airplanes bombed a us military harbor located in Hawaii. Japan thought they could take out Americas navy with a bombing raid and take america out of the picture for war. This impacted the war by being the reason america joined the war.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation of Concentration Camps
    An event in which concentration camps set up by Hitler where liberated. This happened due to Hitler being defeated. This allowed millions of people to be free of the nasty conditions at the concentration camps.
  • D-day(Normandy Invasion)

    D-day(Normandy Invasion)
    Churchill, FDR, and Eisenhower planned a land invasion on Poland. The allies needed to take control of France again and push back Germany. This was the final battle that defeated Germany.
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    The Battle of the Bulge

    Hitler last attempt to cut the allies in half but only made a small bulge into their defenses. Hitler did this as a last resort to take control of Europe. This caused Hitler to give up and Germany was defeated.
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    Battle Of Iwo Jima

    American forces attempt to take control of Iwo Jima but it is a hard slow struggle due to the level of fortification. It happened because the Allies were trying to take control of Japan and make them surrender. The impacts were it allowed the Allies to get closer to Japan and ultimately defeat Japan.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    American forces where trying to force out Japan from the island. They did so they could inch closer and closer to Japan. The impact of the battle was allowing them to get closer to Japan and launch their final attack on Japan.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    This day America and Britain celebrated and hung up flags. They did this because the Allies defeated Nazi Germany. This lead to the end out world war two.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bomb

    American bomber Enola Gay dropped a 5 ton bomb on Japan. America did this to not have anymore american lives lost in world war two. This impacted the war by making Japan surrender and help play a part in ending the war.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    A day where Americans celebrate and hang flags. This happens because we america defeated Japan in 1945. Americans still remember it to this day and is celebrated every year.