Land rights
Pitgantjatjara people of SA are granted land under the Pitganjatjatra land rights ACT. A large area of the state is retured to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara -
Period: to
Middle Years Time Lines
Eddie Mabo
Eddie Mabo and 4 other Torres strait islander people went the high court of Australia claming that their island Mer had been continuously inhabitated and exclusively possessed by them therefore they were the true owners. They acknowledged that the British Crown had exersized sovereignty when it annexed the islands, but claimed that their land rights had not been walidly extinguished. -
N.T voting
N.T elections are held and for the first time voting is compulsory for aboriginal people. -
Commision is established
The Abriginal and Torres strait islanders commision is established. -
Dieing in Custordy
The Royal Commision were worried about all the people that die in Custordy and 43%were children from the Stolen Generation. -
The Mabo Case
The High Court of Australia rules in the Mabo case that native title exists over particular kids of land - unalienated Crown land, nation parks and reserves -and over turns the doctrine of terror nullis regonising that Indigunous peoples are the original occupands of this land and possessed a complex system of land tenure that has always existed in this country. -
Going Home
Going home conference ,Dawin, brings together over 600 Inigunous Australians removed as children to discuss common goals of access to archives , compensation ,rights to land and social Indigunous land fund established by Fedral Goverment to buy land and part Govements responce to Mabo desicion. -
Native rights
Justice Drummond in the Fedral Court makes a desicion that the claim of the Wik an Thayorre peoples could not succeed over the areas that were subject to pastoral leases. THe Judges reason was that he considered that the grant of pastoral leases under Queensland law extinguished any native title rights. -
Govement promblems
The Fedral Govement under Howard sees economic development as the key to succes of its indigunous affairs policy. Sentar John Herron ,Minister for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.this is what they said 'As a good Goverment we belive in Independence rights' -
Native title Amendements ACT Amendements to the ACT brought about by the high court wik decision.