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Joseph Stalin Timeline

  • Birth of Joseph Stalin

    Birth of Joseph Stalin
    On December 21st, 1879, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (later known as Joseph Stalin) was born in the town Gori, Georgia. His father was a cobbler and his mother a washerwoman. Gori, Georgia was considered as a peasant town.
  • Tiflis Theological Seminary

    Tiflis Theological Seminary
    Joseph Stalin enrolled to Tiflis Theological Seminary after getting a scholarship due to his hard work in church school. A year after enrolling, he discovered a group that wanted Georgia independent from Russia, and he was also introduced to the writings of Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx. In 1899 Stalin was no longer able to pay his school fees and was expelled from Tiflis Theological Seminary.
  • Arrests

    Joseph Stalin was arrested many times between the years of 1902 and 1913, however the first time was in April, 1902 after he coordinated a labor strike. His rise to infamy, however, took place in 1907 after robbing a bank and stealing around 3.4 million USD.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    In February of 1917 the Russian revolution began and the Tsar's government collapsed. The bolsheviks also overthrew a provisional government and Vladimir Lenin spoke up about taking away land from the rich and establish communism. In 1922 Lenin was considered and appointed as the general secretary of the Communist Party, but died shortly after in 1924.
  • First Five Year Plan

    First Five Year Plan
    Joseph Stalin created the first five year plan which was made with the purpose of creating large scale industrialization. By the second year of the five year plan, Henry Byers came to the Soviet Union and adopted modern machinery across the country, leading to many new workers. After this increase in population, Stalin tried to ensure that the food supply would be supported by forcing collectivization.
  • Ukrainian Holodomor

    Ukrainian Holodomor
    The Ukrainian Holodomor, started after Stalin's decision to enforce collectivization.It led to a drop in production and food shortages, leading to many rebellions. In response to the rebellions the leaders of the USSR blacklisted entire towns which prevented them from receiving food. Despite the already ongoing famine food requisition was increased and as a result of everything, 13% of the population died, (3.9 million people).
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle of Stalingrad was a battle that took place during World War 2. In 1942, Adolf Hitler launched offense into the southern Soviet Union to destroy their army and capture the Caucasus oilfields. The Luftwaffe bombed Stalingrad and initially most of the city was in the Germans hands. Meanwhile, a soviet general built new forces that launched an attack, causing the German army to surrender.
  • Death of Joseph Stalin

    Death of Joseph Stalin
    In 1953, Joseph Stalin died at the age of 73. It is unclear how exactly he died, but his health had also been failing in the years prior. A day after heavy drinking, doctors were summoned and found him paralyzed and said that he suffered a stroke.