Joseph stalin is born
Joseph Stalin was born in Gori, Russia -
He adopted the name Stalin ("man of steel") about 1913 -
The Bolsheviks
ascribed to Bolsheviks deals and had worked against the tsarist monarchy prior to the Revolution of 1917. Stalin robbed trains to support the movement, distributed literature, and organized revolutionaries. Stalin was, fundamentally, an organizer and a bureaucrat from the earliest days of the Bolshevik movement. -
The primary military commissar during battle of Tsaritsyn -
When the party Secretariat was organized, he became one of its leading members and was appointed its secretary general in 1922. -
During Lenin's last illness and after his death in 1924, Stalin served as a member of the three-man committee that conducted the affairs of the party and the country. -
Trotsky expelled, ensuring Stalin's role
By 1927 Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party and exiled from Russia, ensuring Stalin’s role as the new leader of the Soviet Union. -
5-year plan
In 1927, secure in his power, Stalin introduced a new plan to rapidly collectivize agriculture and industrialize the Soviet Union. -
Joseph Stalin died
Joseph Stalin died in Moscow, Russia -
Stalin died of a cerebrovascular accident on March 5, 1953. His body was entombed next to Lenin's in the mausoleum in Red Square, Moscow. -
After his death Stalin became a controversial figure in the Communist world, where appreciation for his great achievements was offset to a varying degree by harsh criticism of his methods. At the Twentieth All-Union Party Congress in 1956, Premier Nikita Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders attacked the cult of Stalin, accusing him of tyranny, terror, falsification of history, and self-glorification." -
Stalin. A hero?
Stalin was revered by many as a state hero until his successor, Nikita Khrushchev (1894–1971), gave a speech denouncing him in 1956.A more accurate view of the scope of Stalin’s atrocities came to light only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. -
He spent the major portion of the years from 1905 to 1912 in organizational work for the movement, mainly in the city of Baku. The secret police arrested him several times, and several times he escaped. -
Resources, Works Cited
Database: "Joseph Stalin Collectivizes the Soviet Union: 1928." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History. Ed. Jennifer Stock. Vol. 4: Europe. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2014. Student Resources in Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2016. "Joseph Stalin." UXL Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2016. "Joseph Stalin." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Student Resources -
Picture Resources
http://lsrocket.lakeview.esu7.org/access/web?id=c3d877f2-f820-11e5-8dbc-00e0ed2b8634 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stalin_lg_zlx1.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khrushchev_Thaw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Trotsky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin's_cult_of_personality https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonynetone/16591888290 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_uprisings_against_the_Bolsheviks