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Joseph Stalin

By Rrboyce
  • Second Anglo Afghan War

    Second Anglo Afghan War
    Joseph was 1 year old when this war ended
  • Joseph Stalin is born

    Joseph Stalin is born
    Dec 21 1879 Joseph Stalin was born
  • Father

    Josephs father was a shoemaker and often beat joseph
  • Construction of the Trans Siberian Rail Road

    Construction of the Trans Siberian Rail Road
    Alexander III started the construction of the railroad
  • Joseph mentally

    Joseph mentally
    While in school Joseph suffered from a humiliating sense of social inferiority and didnt often interact with others and was made fun of
  • Discovery

    Joseph learned of Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution which the church did not accept
  • Mother

    Josephs mother wanted him to become a priest because priests were immune to a number punishments such as the whip.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russia vs Japan
  • Almost later years

    Almost later years
    Was persuaded by political propaganda
  • Communist Party

    Joseph Stalin is appointed secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, this allowed him to bring his buddies into the government and gain more political support
  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    Lenin died and by late 1920s Joseph had become dictator of the Soviet Union
  • While in power

    Joseph Stalin ran a Totalitarian government. He took farms and executed/exiled anyone who stood against him. Had millions of people killed and sent to Gulags. Joseph Stalin led the Great Purge in the 1930s in order to exterminate any threats of the Soviet Union. He was also obsessed with himself. Joseph Stalin is ultimately, according to historians, responsible for an estimate of 3-60million deaths
  • Event #1 WW2

    Event #1 WW2
    WW2 occured when Stalin was in power
  • India and Pakistan gain Independance

    Britain divided India and Pakistan into 2 different countries
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea invaded South Korea which gave birth to the Korean War
  • His death

    His death
    Died of naturals causes.