Birth of Joseph Stalin
On December 18, 1878 Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili is born. He later changes his name to Joseph Stalin. He is born into a very poor family where his father is abusive. -
Disney is Born
On December 5, 1909, Walt Disney is born. He will grow up to be and amazing animator and one of the most memorable human beings in existence, -
Political Power
In 1912 Stalin is appointed by Vladmir Lenin to the first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party. -
Communist Russia
In 1917 the Bolshevik Party seizes power in Russia -
Stalin Gains Momentum
In 1924 Vladmir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin shows his manipulating skills by out smarting his opponents and he takes control of the Bolshevik Party. -
The Great Gatsby
The classic novel, the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. -
Stalin's Rule Begins
Stalin becomes the absolute dictator of Russia -
An Alliance
On the eve on World War II, Stalin signs a nonaggression pact with German dictator and leader of the Nazi party Adolf Hitler. -
A Delicious Invention
In 1941 M&Ms are invented. These little candies to go on to pass the test of time and are still around to thins day. -
A New Enemy
In June of 1941, Adolf Hitler breaks the nonaggression Pact by invading Russia. -
A Sticky Situation
During WWII a new product was made. Its original use was for sealing ammunition cases. -
A New Weapon
On August 22, 1942, Germany tests the V-1 jet powered bomb -
Atomic Discovery
In 1945 the atomic bomb was built -
La Vie En Rose
The song that is known as the most famous french song of all time is written by Edith Piaf. -
One Last Purge
After an assassination plot against Stalin was uncovered, Stalin wanted a purge on the Communist Party, but he died before it could be carried out. -
Stalin's Plan
Once his rule begins, Stalin creates plans that will be executed over the course of five years to industrialize Russia. He also intended on fixes and improving the economy of Russia.