An Eleven day march
Going to leave station in Otterville for an 11 day march to Warsaw -
Another Area change
Expecting and waiting for orders to march to saint louis in a few days from their current area in Syracuse. -
Sicknesses Spread
in Saint Louis a lot of people are being affected by measles or labor in poor weather so there's only "five hundred men or so well off" -
Near Death
In the field, Camp near Corinth two of his allies shot and killed next to him in a fight and it was scary because he calls it a “close shaving” probably meaning he was almost hit. -
To live or not to live
In the field, Camp near Corinth he's talking about his plausible death in the near battle and sending as much money as he can incase he does die so they can use it. -
Miserable Camping
In Memphis Tennessee it's sandy and hot and water is scarce so 6 men have died, there are extreme weather conditions with a blizzard, mosquitos eating them up, and low food sources. -
Near a Storm
In Bolivar they are in line of battle and expecting violent interaction anytime now -
A bit of a Fixer Upper
In a Camp near LaGrange in Tennessee they're fixing up the railroads to holly springs that were destroyed in war -
Sick Times
in Memphis he is sick with what he calls “the chills”, probably the cold or flu and will probably have it for the rest of fall -
Sickness Strikes the Army men Again
in Decatur Ala a great many of the army men are in the hospital sick -
Christmas without family
Out in battle on Christmas day at the Camp near Savana Ga. -
That's all Folks
1865 February shot in the arm at the battle near Bolivar and died after