Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon's Birth
    Napoleon was born in Corsica, which was a french-ruled island in the mediterranean.
  • Becoming an Officer in the French Army

    Becoming an Officer in the French Army
    He had become an officer in the French artillery. He was also a master war tactician.
  • Military Campaign in Egypt and Syria

    Military Campaign in Egypt and Syria
    The French campaign in Egypt and Syria (1789-1801) was Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in ottoman Egypt and ottoman Syria, where napoleon had proclaimed to defend french trade interests, weaken Britain's access to British India, and to establish scientific enterprise in the region.
  • Coup D'etat

    Coup D'etat
    (November 9-10, 1799) coup d’etat had overthrown the system of government under the directory in French and substituted the consulate, making way for the absolutism of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon had established a French civil code, which he called the Napoleonic code. This code was drafted between 4 jurists, it was then established on March 21, 1804.
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon's Coronation
    Napoleon was then crowned emperor of France, on December 2nd, 1804. The coronation was taken place in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    It lasted from (1805-1815) and was part of the Napoleonic wars. There was a clash of British and Franco-Spanish fleets that were off the straits of Gibraltar.
  • Joseph Bonaparte become King of Spain

    Joseph Bonaparte become King of Spain
    (From 1808-13) Napoleon became heavily dissatisfied with Joseph’s conduct. He had then been called away from Naples to become king of Spain. Eventually, Joseph was forced to leave Madrid hastily when Spanish insurgents defeated French forces at Baylen. He was reinstated by Napoleon at the close of 1808 and thereafter was kept in a minor position that led him on four occasions to offer to relinquish
  • The Battle of Wagram

    The Battle of Wagram
    The battle of wagram (5-6 July 1809) was a military engagement of the napoleonic wars, which led to a victory for Napoleon, whic also forced Austria to sign an armistice, leading to the creation of the Treaty of Schönbrunn in October, ending Austria’s 1809 war against the French control of Germany.
  • The Grand Empire

    The Grand Empire
    As of 1812, Napoleon’s grand empire reached its great extent, he had successfully battled the combined forces of the greatest European powers. He had taken great risks and had even suffered from huge losses.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    From June 24th - 14th December of 1812, Napoleon had invaded Russia. This campaign began a chain of events that had eventually led to his downfall, where his final defeat brought an end to the era of the french revolution.
  • Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)

    Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)
    The battle of Leipzig lasted from October 16-19 1813. There were about 320,000 allied troops and 185,000 french troops under Napoleon. The battle developed when Napoleon seized the Leipzig position, intending to divide his opponents and attack them one by one. Leipzig was the first occasion on which Napoleon was clearly defeated in the field, whereas The French Grande Armee continued its westward retreat until, in 1814, the victors closed in on Paris and Napoleon abdicated.
  • Napoleon's exile to Elba

    Napoleon's exile to Elba
    In 1814, Napoleon’s broken forces gave up, he then offered to step down in favor of his son. When this offer was rejected, his throne was renounced, where he was then sent to Elba.
  • Napoleon's Return

    Napoleon's Return
    In March 1815, Napoleon had escaped his island exile and returned to paris, where he regained supporters and reclaimed his emperor title.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo took place on June 18, 1815, in Belgium. This marked the final defeat of the French military leader and emperor.
  • Napoleon's exile to St. Helena

    Napoleon's exile to St. Helena
    In June 1815, Napoleon was then defeated at the bloody battle of waterloo. Napoleon's defeat ultimately signaled the end of France's domination of Europe. He abdicated for the second time and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, in the southern Atlantic ocean where he lived out the rest of his days.