2nd Amendment
The second amendment was passed on September 25, of 1789, it is an amendment stating that American citizens to own a weapon, only for protection -
Bill of Rights
Congress transmitted to the state Legislatures twelve proposed amendments to the Constitution. Three through twelve become the Bill of Rights. -
Bayview Massacre
On this day 12,000 workers went on strike to get an 8 hour work day rather than a 10 hour work day they paraded down the street when the National Guard came there was a riot and 9 people died. -
National Fire Arms Act
Was an act passed to prohibit fire arms during the prohibition, such as the mobsters and gangs that fought for illegal alcohol. If cought the tax is $200 compared to today it is $2,525. -
Becoming Wisconsin Senator
He won the 1946 election, Joseph spent 5 years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing "loyalty risks" in the United States Government -
Joseph Mccarthy
It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate. Which led to the rise in Mccarthyism.