
Joseph Gayetty invents tissue

  • Elias Howes invents the sewing machine

    Elias Howes invents the sewing machine
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
  • Joseph Gayetty invents toilet paper

    Joseph Gayetty invents toilet paper
  • Elijah McCoy invents the ironing board

    Elijah McCoy invents the ironing board
  • Levis Strauss invents blue jeans

    Levis Strauss invents blue jeans
  • John Pemberton invent Coca-Cola

    John Pemberton invent Coca-Cola
  • George Eastman invents the heldhand camera

    George Eastman invents the heldhand camera
  • George Ferris invent the Ferris Wheel

    George Ferris invent the Ferris Wheel
  • Nikola Tesla invents the radio

    Nikola Tesla invents the radio
  • Whitcomb L. Judson invents the zipper

    Whitcomb L. Judson invents the zipper
  • Madam C.J. Walker invents African American Hair Care products

    Madam C.J. Walker invents African American Hair Care products
  • John Logie Baird invents the television

    John Logie Baird invents the television
  • Frank Henry invents Bubble gum

    Frank Henry invents Bubble gum
  • Richard Drew invents scotch tape

    Richard Drew invents scotch tape
  • Jonas Salk invents a vaccine for polio

    Jonas Salk invents a vaccine for polio