

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage, also known as the father of computers. He was an English mathematician, polymath and inventor. In 1812 he founded the analytical society and since this was in sync with the industrialisation they wanted to introduce European inventions to English mathematics. Babbage's most important inventions was the worlds first digital computer in mid 1830's. He was prominent in many other fields and his inventions were used as blueprints for their and more complex and modern machines.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Lovelace, also known as the first computer programmer. As a woman in the 1840's she made the worlds first machine algorithm to an early computing machine available only on paper. Lovelace's teacher was the infamous Charles Babbage and they corresponded for years. Lovelace also translated a French article about an analytical engine to English which became three times longer because she added her own notes in the translation. Ada Lovelace introduced many new concepts that has since programming.
  • John Von Neumann

    John Von Neumann
    John Neumann was a computer scientist. John was an important figure in computer science. The use of memory in digital computers to store both sequences of instructions and data was a breakthrough to which John made major contributions. John also created the field of cellular automata without the aid of computers. John was the first to establish a rigorous mathematical framework for quantum mechanics, known as the Dirac–von Neumann axioms, John was the inventor of the merge sort algorithm.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing was an English logican, computer scientist, philosopher, mathematician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. Alan Turings main invention was the Turing machine that was the first modern model of a computer meaning it contributed to the development of computers. The Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation (the action of mathimatical calculation) that consists of a machine according to given rules, manipulates symbols on a strip of tape.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas was an american inventor who created the computer mouse, the mouse is an essential input device for all modern computers but it wasn't so long ago that computers had no mouse and no graphical user interface. Data was entered by typing commands on a keyboard. Without it, we may have endured convoluted keyboard commands for years, greatly hindering the process of bringing the PC into homes everywhere. The mouse revolutionized computer interfaces, and helped connect the world.
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Steve Wozniak is an american engineer who's occupation consists of being an electronics engineer, entrepreneur, programmer and
    philanthropist. He was born in 1950 and is most known for his role as the co-founder of Apple Inc. in 1976. His invention Apple II is a is an 8-bit home computer which is one of the worlds first most successful mass produced microcomputer products. Apple II was the leader into the first decade of personal computing and was released in 1977.
  • Tim Berners-lee

    Tim Berners-lee
    Sir Tim Berners-lee is a British computer scientist. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Weeb. He wrote the first web client and servers in 1990, His specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined as web technology spread. He enabled a system to be able to view web pages, known as hypertext documents, through the internet. The world wide weeb connected the world in a way that was not possible before, it made it much easier for people to get information, share and communicate.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill gates was a american computer programmer and entrepreneur who co-funded microsoft corporation, the worlds largest personal-computer software company. Microsoft expanded the internet as well as as computer systems and gaming systems. Microsoft changed the way we think about editing,creating and viewing documents because of the new inventions microsoft made such as consumer electronics, personal computers and related service.