Chapter 1- Information
We gain some information about Eichmann and Zeev. -
Chapter 7- Eichmann's hideout
In this chapter it is shown how Eichmann went from being a very high ranked SS soldier to living in a little hideout in Argentina. -
Chapter 2- Nick Eichmann's House
Sylvia traveled to Nick's house to get information on him, and see if Adolph is his father. And sure enough, Nick's "Uncle" is Adolph Eichmann. Sylvia was very confused to find this out so she very bravely started asking questions about it. -
Chapter 2- Meeting Nick Eichmann
Sylvia brought her boyfriend, Nick Eichmann (Adolph's son) to meet her father, Fritz Bauer and he knew for a fact that it was Adolph Eichmann's son so Sylvia immediately stopped talking to him. -
Chapter 3- Meeting Lothar Hermann
Hofstetter went to Lothar Hermann's house to gain information and they realize soon after they arrive that Lothar is blind. -
Chapter 4- Zvi Aharoni
Aharoni is informed of the mission to capture Eichmann and agrees to help. -
Chapter 5- Immigration Control
Jewish volunteers offered surveillance, transport, safe houses, and medical aid for the Mossad agents -
Chapter 6- The photo
Rendi completed his mission and took the photo's he needed and got confirmation on who Adolph is and where he is. -
Chapter 8- The Mistakes
Yaakov Gat was making many almost mission jeopardizing mistakes that could ruin everything. He forgot his fake name on his passport, almost got trapped on the bus, Aharoni even almost blew their cover while driving toward Eichmann. -
Prologue- Bus Stop
2 cars watching a bus stop
Remote neighborhood
2 passengers, Men
Garibaldi Street -
Chapter 9- The Wait
The hunters have to wait for the plane to transport Eichmann on to be ready so they have to decide to either let him be free and capture him later or risk holding him in a shelter until they can leave.They chose to try and hold him somewhere and wait 5 days. -
Chapter 10- Planning the Capture
The team is planning out the capture and will soon execute it. They are thinking of what's on the line and what they're risking if they get caught. -
Chapter 11- Successfully Capturing Eichmann
The team waited and waited for Adolph to get off of his bus but it took him a very long time and the team had to unexpectedly wait for him. Eventually a silhouette came into view in which Shalom identified as Eichmann. It took only 25 seconds for the team to wrestle and finally put Eichmann in the car, and they gave him blind goggles to make sure he doesn't see anything. -
Chapter 12- Holding Eichmann
The team is now holding and interrogating Eichmann to make sure they have the right person. They eventually confirm his identity and are overwhelmed with joy. -
Chapter 13- The Public
The public got news that Eichmann was gone and all of the Neo-Nazi's, including Nick Eichmann rallied and protested, forcing the cops to go on a manhunt for Eichmann. -
Chapter 14- Transportation
The team try and find a good way to transfer Eichmann back to Israel and they eventually find the El Al plane -
Chapter 15- Getting Eichmann Onto The Plane
The team prepares to get Eichmann onto the plane which takes a lot of work because the guards and staff can get very suspicious of them. -
Chapter 16- The Flight
The crew informed everyone on the plane of what is going on and who they have on the plane. Everyone was shocked and disgusted at the thought of having a former SS Officer on board the same plane as them -
Chapter 17- Announcing The Capture
Ben-Gurion announced the capture of Adolph Eichmann. The Jewish people were stunned at the announcement and some even started crying. But meanwhile, Shalom and Malkin were not yet in Israel and the team had to wait for them to get back to Israel before they made the announcement but luckily they made it back home -
Chapter 18- The Trial
Eichmann is put on trial and took over 4 months for him to finally be sentenced to death. He was later hanged and his body was cremated. The whole world was informed of what happened soon after.