I was born on February 23rd 1998 -
My first birthday
on february 23rd 1999 i had my first birthday (dont remember). -
First day of school
On Augest 15th i had my first day of school. -
when i was 7 years old me and my family went to Mexico for 2 weeks and had x mas there too. -
Dirt bike
My dad bought me my first dirtbike at the age of 8. -
At the age of 10 i was exactly 5 ft tall. -
In 2009 of december i went with my family to cuba varedero. -
In 2010 my parents got a divorce and my siblings and i are all in different houses now it didnt end well but yeah. -
I went too Cuba again with my brother and my dad. -
I went on a class trip to assisippi for skiing. and i broke one of my bones in my arm called the radius in half. -
valentines day
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
I went to cuba with my dad and brother and my dads girlfriend.