Apr 23, 1564
Shakespear's Birth Day
Shakespear was born on April 23rd 1564 in Staptford-upon-Avon -
Apr 26, 1564
The day Skakspeare was baptized
The day Shakspeare was baptized -
Jan 1, 1578
The lost years
There were no documented facts about the life of William Shakespeare between leaving school in 1578 and marrying Anne Hathaway in 1582. -
Jan 1, 1582
The day Shakspeare was married
Shakspeare married at the age of 18 in 1582 to a woman named Anne Hathaway. -
Shakespear's first born child
his first born child Susanna was born in 1583 -
His twins are born
His twins Hamnent and Judith were born in 1585 -
Shakspeare returnes
Shakespear reapears in London after the 'Lost Years." -
Shakespeare's play "The Attack by Robert Greene
One of the first plays of Shakespear -
Shakspeare as a share holder
Shakspeare became a share holder in the Lord Chamberlain's Men, one of the most populare acting companies in London. -
Shakespears son died
his son died at age 11 -
The date the play "All's Well That Ends Well
This was a plaw that Shakespear had writen -
shakespear's daughter Sussana gets married
She married Dr.John Hall -
Shakespeare's Death
Shakespeare died from fish