Birth Date
Jonas salk was borrn on Ocrober 28, 1914 -
Period: to
Jonas salk's life
Jonas Salk go his college deggre at age 19
when Jonas Salk finished his intership he accepted a nationality reasearch and follwed frencis and together the two inved a killed virus vaccine
in 1944 he was appointed reasearch associate epidemiology
in 1947 jonas salk becamee the head of the virus reasearch lab (it did not say a specific date only the year)
in 1948 Salk accepted a position at the university of pittsburg as associate professor of bacteriology
in 1948 he undertook a project founded by the National foundation for infantile paralisis to determin to differen types of polio vaccines
in 1952 he injected his wife and 3 sons with the vacine and proved it to be safe
in 1952 Salk produces the polio vaccine
Jonas salk died