Screenshot 2017 03 20 at 09.57.45

Jonah's Austalian history timeline

  • 40,000 BCE

    40000 BC

    40000 BC First Aboriginals arrived in Australia
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    1770: Captain James Cook discovered Australia. He sailed from England and came across Australia.
  • The Convicts

    The Convicts
    1770: Captain James Cook discovered Australia. He sailed from England and came across Australia.
  • Western Australia

    Western Australia
    1829: Western Australia found
  • Period: to


  • South Australia

    South Australia
    1836: south Australia and it’s capital found
  • the ureka stock ade

    the ureka stock ade
    in ballarat
    shop burnt down by angry miners
  • Period: to

    Ned kelly

    ned kelly and his gang ripped up train tracks
    he was wearing bullet proof armour to protect him from the police
    he got hanged in the old melbourne gaol
  • Cricket

    First ever cricket test match in melbourne
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    The great depression

    the great depression is when the markets crashed (prices went down)
  • Period: to


    Over 60 Million people died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Period: to

    Veitnam war

    1.1 million people died
    60 thousand australian soldiers fort in the war
    we started to fight in 1962 till the end of the war
  • melbourne olypics

    melbourne olypics
    Melbourne hosted the olympics
  • Period: to

    olympics again

    Sydney hosts the olympics
  • berth

    Meikah was born (my sister)
  • 2nd birth

    I was born
  • today

    today is the finishing day for this timeline