Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air

  • Outside Magazine

    Outside Magazine
    Jon Krakauer is assigned to write a piece over Mount Everest. Originally, He was supposed to say at base camp, however he ended up being able to get Outside magazine to pay for climbing costs.
  • Adventure Consultants

    Adventure Consultants
    Jon Krakauer gets to Kathmandu, and joins Rob Hall's touring group, Adventure Consultants,along with some acquaintances.
  • Shifting Camps

    Shifting Camps
    Over a time span of several weeks, Krakauer along with his touring group, shift up camps to get acclimated to the extreme altitudes, and wait for conditions to be right.
  • Ascent Up

    Ascent Up
    On the morning of May 10th, Rob Hall decides to move up Everest along with his group, and reach the summit.
  • Terror on Everest

    As Jon Krakauer sleeps, A storm hits Everest while there are people still ascending the mountain.
  • Rescue Efforts

    The day after the storm, Jon Krakauer along with other sherpas go up and try rescue the stranded climbers to bring them to safety.
  • Press Release

    Press Release
    Jon Krakauer publishes his article, and receives backlash from the relatives of the victims for inaccuracies, and slowly turns into depression.
  • Into Thin Air

    Months later, Jon Krakauer writes “Into Thin Air” for closure, and to make up for the many inaccuracies the magazine published.