
  • Summary Johnson

    Johnson believed that the Domino Theory and that his containmed policy required America to make a serious effort to stop all Communist expansion.
  • President

    Johnson becomes President after Kennedy is assassinated
  • Stay in course

    The quaote means that the United States needed to stay out of South Vietnam until an unorable pieace can be negotiated
  • Vietnam

    Allows covert operations against North Vietnam
  • Gulf Tokin Resolution

    The resolution marked the beggining of an expanded millitary role for the United States in the Cold War
  • Increase in American troop involvent

    America involvent had doubled again rising the roughly 385,000 troops
  • Ted Offensive

    It was a major impact for the Ted Offensive because both side had claimed victory and they had major edjurened losses
  • Johnson annaunces he will not seek re-election

    He believed that his decision was in the country's best interest. he could not win the Vietnam War