John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks

  • 1975

    John starts Easy Cook Eaty and creates the original CheeseSticks recipe.
  • 1977

    John sells CheeseSticks at county fairs and carnivals along the California coast.
  • 1979

    John moves to New York City
  • 1982

    John installs a small commercial oven and dough sheeter in his walk-up East Village apartment and the first CheeseSticks "snack factory" takes shape.
  • 1985

    John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks’ snack business is launched from a small leased storefront on New York's Lower East Side, and so it began.
  • 2016

    John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks are one of the most popular gourmet snacks in the nation.