Ernst mach

Ernst Mach (February 1838 - February 1916)

  • Birth

    Mach was born in Moravia on Feb 18, 1838.
  • Doppler Theory

    Ernst Mach's first scientific contribution. Christian Doppler noticed that sound changes in frequency. Thus, Mach demonstrated the Doppler effect was real in terms of sound. He did so by using a 6-foot tube and a whistle.
  • Collegiate Days

    Ernst Mach received is doctorate in physics in 1860 from the University of Vienna. He then taught mechanics and physics until 1864, when he became professor a mathematics at the University of Graz.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    Mach published, “On the effect of the spatial distribution of the light stimulus on the retina." Before Mach, optical illusions were just quirks of the brain. It was believed that the only role of a sense organ was to transmit sensation to the brain. However, Mach argued that optical illusions are not due to processing errors in the brain. The significance of this was that it provided a strong argument against direct theories of perception.
  • Vestibular System

    Vestibular System
    In 1873 Mach simultaneously with physician Joseph Breuer discovered a non-acoustic structure in the inner ear responsible for balance. He discovered that the changing pressure of fluid in the semicircular canals was key to the sensation of rotation and found that structures in the utricle and saccule play a role in the perception of horizontal and vertical motion.
  • Death

    Died in Haar, Germany.