John stuart mill

John Stuart Mill Time Line

  • Birth -

    Birth -
    John Stuart Mill was born on May 20th, 1806 in Pentonville London. His academic beginnings can be traced back to his father, James Mill, was a philosopher and economist who made sure his son was learned in history, academia, and other pursuits of knowledge.
  • Period: to

    Life with Harriet Taylor

    John Mills met Harriet Taylor at a dinner part in 1830. At the time she was already married to John Taylor. An arragnment was made between the 3 of them where John Mills could meet with Harriet Taylor while John Taylor was away. While their relationship was officially platonic they married in 1851, two years after John Taylor death. This caused a scandal in society. Harriet would later die in 1858 where she is buried in Avignon France.
  • Publication of Principles of Political Economy

    Publication of Principles of Political Economy
    Written in 1848 by John Stuart Mill it was republished a total of 7 times within his time. It has been considered the most influential philosophy and economic books written of its time.
    Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873. Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy : By John Stuart Mill. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. London :John W. Parker, West Strand, 1849.
  • Death

    He died on May 7th, 1873, at the age of 66, from erysipelas, at in Avignon France. He was then buried next to his wife Harriet Taylor. With everything he achieved in his life academically he never taught at a college or officially attended himself.