John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill was born in London, May 20th, 1806. His father James Mill was a Scottish philosopher and Economist, who moved in important intellectual circles. The young Mill was educated by his father and Jeremy Bentham – the leading exponent of Utilitarian philosophy. He spent his life advancing a logical and scientific approach to social and political problems.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr9954kaFBs -
Mill's Personal Life
In 1830, Mill met Harriet Taylor, who became a life-long friend and companion. When they first met, Harriet was married to John Taylor. But, despite her marriage, they became close and spent much time together. They shared similar ideas and Mill treated Taylor as intellectual equal. In 1851, after the death of John Taylor, the couple married but unfortunately, Harriet developed Tuberculosis and died in Avignon, France, on 3 November 1858 after seven years of marriage. -
A System Of Logic
John Stuart Mill,formulated the five principles of inductive reasoning that are known as Mill's Methods. This work is important in the philosophy of science, and more generally, as it outlines the empirical principles Mill use to justify his moral and political philosophies. This work was important to the history of science, being a strong influence on scientists such as Dirac. an English theoretical physicist who's regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century. -
John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism
The first of the “classical utilitarians,” Jeremy Bentham advocated the principle of utility as the standard of right action for both governments and individuals. Mill made further refinements to the utilitarian theory that Bentham started. Stuart Mill’s concept of utilitarianism is that it’s the foundation of moral or the greatest happiness principle”. Doing good promotes happiness, and by happiness intended pleasure(Higher Pleasure). John Stuart Mill died in Avignon, France on 8th May 1873.