The Birth of John Quincy Adams (Political)
This is the day that John Quincy Adams was born. This is a political event in the aspect that his dad was a founding father of the US and that they would both be major political leaders in the country. They both influenced the beginning of America. -
Period: to
John Quincy Adams
The life of John Quincy Adams -
Bunker Hill (Social)
Young John Quincy Adams watched the war to indepedence from his family farm. He was watching the Battle of Bunker Hill. Even thought the actual battle was a military event, I consider young John Adams watching it to be a social event. Many other people were probably watching it too, and this war influenced the independence of many people. It was a movement that kids saw growing up, influencing how they thought about their country. -
U.S. Minister of The Netherlands (Diplomatic)
On this day, George Washington appointed John Quincy Adams as the U,S, Minister of the Netherlands. This was his first real job in dealing with diplomatic affairs. It is a diplomatic event because the job deals with communicating with foreign countries. -
U.S. Minister of Prussia (Diplomatic)
His father, President John Adams, decided to appoint him as the minister to Prussia (Germany). This is diplomatic since it deals with communicating with other countries. -
The Senate (Political
John Quincy Adams started moving up in his political career by making it into the U.S. Sentate under the State of Massachusetts. This is a political event because it is a political position and helped him move up the political ladder, -
U.S. Ambassador of Russia (Diplomatic)
In !809, President James Madison appointed Mr. Adams as the ambassador of Russia to Czar Alexander I. This was a politcal event because he had to live in St. Petersburg and continue diplomatic affairs with Russia. -
The Treaty of Ghent (Political)
John Quincy Adams was one of the few people who lead the American delegationon this treaty getting signed. The treaty officially ended the War of 1812. This is a political event becaused it involves political leaders signing a document to end a conflict. -
Secretary of State (Political)
President James Monroe appointed John Quincy Adams as Secretary of State on this day. His pror experience as ambassador and minister made him very qualified for the job. This is a political event because he was added to the President's cabinet on this day. It is also a political position. -
Latin-American Colonies (Social)
Many Latin-American Colonies in Spain wanted independence after the Napoleonic wars. They rose-up delcaring independence, which led to the U.S. getting involved and making the Monroe Document. This was a big social movement among those colonies. -
The Panic of 1819 (Economic)
This is considered the first American economic crash. James Monroe was resident and John Quincy Adams was Secretary of State. This was caused by financial trouble from the War of 1812, collapses in cotton prices, etc. This was a major economic event and John Quincy Adams was in the adminstration that had to end it. It ended two years later in 1821. -
The Monroe Doctrine (Political)
Known as John Quincy Adams biggest political achievement, he wrote the Monroe Doctrine which stated that the U.S. could retailiate against any European nation that tried to hinder Latin-American Independence. This is a political event because is showcased John Quincy Adams ability for political writing and knowledge. (Could also be considered diplomatic.) -
New Farming Tool (Technological)
As Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams signed a petent to a man named Major Mcdonald for a new farming tool that cut straw and hay. This specific tool is not important, but farming was still very rural during this time. This was also a time when we saw a lot of new inventions and technological advancements. So a new farming tool that helped farm easier is a technological advancment. -
The Electoral College (Social)
During the 1824 election, the actual voting system started to change. Eighteen of twenty-four states decided to have the electoral college decide instead of state legislatures. This was a social movement because it displayed how the majority of Americans wanted to voting system to be. -
President of the United States (Political)
John Quincy Adams became the sixth president of the United States on this day. He was the second person in his family to become president of the America. This is a political event because it involves John Quincy Adams being elected to the highest office in the country. -
The Panic of 1825 (Economic)
This eonomic crash only lasted a year and quickly recovered. John Quincy Adams was president during this crash. The crash was caused by a stock crash in England and uncertainty in some Latin American investments. The Crash affected both the U.S. because business activities started to decline due to the Latin American investments. Gold reserves from France stopped the crash. -
Sciences and Astronomical Observatory (Technological/Cultural)
John Quincy Adams tried during his only term to improve and enhance the patent system. He wanted to encourage and promote sciene across the country. He also wanted to build an Astronomical Observatory since many of those had already been build all over Europe. This shows what the technology was like back then. It also shows how the culture was since these ideas were looked over by people and politicians alike, and were never passed. (He tried to do this over a long period of time, not one day.) -
Building Highways and Canals (Social)
During his first year in Presidency, John Quincy Adams tried, to introduce a major highways and canals, something far ahead of its time. Political opponets stated that this would give more power and regulations to the federal government and less to the states. Because of the uncertainty to these plans, he lost the majority in the House and Senate. This is social because how the people voted in the legilative branch basically ended the Democratic-Republics party and its influence. -
Losing the Second Term (Political)
President John Quincy Adams lost his second election to Andrew Jackson. This made him the last Democratic-Republic President and made him a one-term president. This is a political event because it involved a national election and voting. -
The House of Representatives (Political)
Three years after his presidential loss, John Quincy Adams became a Representative to the State of Massachusetts. He served nine consecutive terms until his death. This is a political event because it involves him being an elected official in the legislative branch. -
The Panic of 1937 (Economic)
The Panic of 1937 was another economic crash in the U.S. This depression was caused by many factors (wheat, cotton, etc) and lasted six years. John Quincy Adams was in the House of Representatives during this time. The crash is often blamed on John Quincy's rivals, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, due to their policies while in office. -
United States V. Amistad Case (Social)
Two years prior, Portugese slave hunters illegally abducted many Africans from Africa. The Africans killed the crew (except for planters who were not slave hunters) and ordered that they go back to Africa. The ship was eventually captured in New York and the slaves were help captive. The case eventually went to the supreme court. John Quincy Adams argued in the Defendants case and 35 African were able to go home. This is a social case because it shows how important slavery was even in this time. -
The Stroke (Death) of John Quincy Adams (Social)
On this day, John Quincy Adams suffered a stroke in front of the House of Representatives. Two days later, he died in the capital building. I consider this a social event due to the fact that is was the death of a president and admired political leader. Many people were heart broken and sad to hear that a man who had committed so much to his country had died.