John Quincy Adams

By t-smity
  • John Q Adams Birth

    John Q Adams Birth
    Braintree (Quincy), Mass. His Mom is Abigal Adams and his father is John Adams.
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams Timeline

  • Watching Battle of Bunker Hill

    Watching Battle of Bunker Hill
    John Quincy Adams, his Mother, and family watched the battle of Bunker Hill from another nearby hill.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    His father signs the Declaration of Independence. His father was on the committee that helped draft the document with Thomas Jefferson.
  • Traveling to Europe

    Traveling to Europe
    John Quincy Adams goes to France with his father, who is an ambassador for the American Colonies. They travel aboard the Contential Navy ship, Boston.
  • Travel to St. Petersburg

    Travel to St. Petersburg
    John Quincy Adams goes to St. Petersburg, Russia as Secretary to the American Minister to Russia, Francis Dana
  • Going to Paris with his Father

    Going to Paris with his Father
    John Quincy Adams accompanies his father from The Netherlands back to Paris where his father is negotiating a peace treaty with Great Britian to end the American Revolution.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty with Britian signed by his father to end the American Revolution and war with England.
  • John Adams Appointed Ambassador to Great Britian

    John Adams Appointed Ambassador to Great Britian
    His father is appointed the Ambassador to Great Britian.
  • Coming back Home

    Coming back Home
    John Quincy Adams returns back to the US from Europe.
  • Graduation from Harvard

    Graduation from Harvard
    John Quincy Adams graduates from Harvard University as a Lawyer. He placed 2nd in his class of 54 students.
  • George Washington Inaugurated President

    George Washington Inaugurated President
    The First President, George Washinton, is inaugurated, and his Vice President is John Adams - John Quincy Adams' Father.
  • Appointed Minister to The Netherlands

    Appointed Minister to The Netherlands
    John Quincy Adams is appointed Minister to The Netherlands by George Washington.
  • John Adams Inagurated President

    John Adams Inagurated President
    His father, John Adams is inagurated as the 2nd President of US with Thomas Jefferson as the Vice President.
  • Marriage

    John Quincy Adams marries Louisa Johnson in London.
  • Minister to Prussia

    Minister to Prussia
    John Quincy Adams is named Minister to Prussia under his father, John Adams, Presidency.
  • Thomas Jefferson Inaugurated President

    Thomas Jefferson Inaugurated President
    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as 3rd President of the US after John Adams only served one term. Aaron Burr is the Vice President.
  • Returns Back to US

    Returns Back to US
    John Quincy Adams returns back to the US at the end of his father's administration.
  • US Senator from Massachusetts

    US Senator from Massachusetts
    John Quincy Adams elected to the US Senate.
  • Votes to Approve Louisana Purchase

    Votes to Approve Louisana Purchase
    He voted with the majority of the Senate to approve and authorize the Louisana Purchase.
  • James Madison Inaugurated President

    James Madison Inaugurated President
    James Madison is Inaugurated as the 4th President of the US.
  • Appointed Ambassador to Russia

    Appointed Ambassador to Russia
    John Quincy Adams is appointed Ambassador to Russia under James Madison.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    War of 1812 with Great Britian declared.
  • Appointed Amabassador to Great Britian

    Appointed Amabassador to Great Britian
    John Quincy Adams appointed Minister to Great Britian under James Madison, just as his father was appointed Amabassador after signing the first peace treaty with Great Britian.
  • Signs Treaty of Ghent to End War of 1812

    Signs Treaty of Ghent to End War of 1812
    John Quincy Adams signs the Treaty of Ghent to end the War of 1812 with Great Britian. The treaty was signed in Ghent, Belgium. It took 7 months to negotiate the treaty. His father signed the first treaty ending war with England and John Quincy signed the second and last peace treaty with Great Britian.
  • James Monroe Inaugurated President

    James Monroe Inaugurated President
    James Monroe is inaugurated as 5th President.
  • Secretary of State

    Secretary of State
    John Quincy Adams appointed US Secretary of State under James Monroe.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    John Quincy Adams drafts the language that Jame Monroe uses in his State of the Union Address to Congress which becomes the Monroe Doctrine that European Powers should stay out of the Americas.
  • Elected President by US House of Representative

    Elected President by US House of Representative
    John Quincy Adams is elected President, but the vote has to be finalized by the US House of Representatives because the Electorial College result did not have a majority for any candidate. His inaugration was on March 4, 1825.
  • End of Presidential Term / Andrew Jackson President

    End of Presidential Term / Andrew Jackson President
    John Quincy Adams ends his one and only term as President. Andrew Jackson is elected President after John Quincy Adams.
  • US House of Representatives

    US House of Representatives
    John Quincy Adams returns to Washington as a Congressman from Massachusetts. He was one of only 2 Presidents to return to Congress after being President.
  • Opposes Extension of Slavery

    Opposes Extension of Slavery
    John Quincy Adams votes to oppose the extension of slavary in the US House of Representatives by opposing the "Gag Rule". A rule that kept discussion on slavery from happening the US House.
  • Creation of Smithsonian Institution

    Creation of Smithsonian Institution
    John Quincy Adams pushed bill in Congress allowing for the creation of the Smithsonian from a contribution from the death of James Smithson. He was a key driver in the creation of the Smithsonian.
  • Amistad Case before Supreme Court

    Amistad Case before Supreme Court
    John Quincy Adams defends the captured Africans from the Amistad at the Supreme Court to win their freedom from slavery. The Supreme Court found in his favor and the Africans were freed.
  • Suffers 1st Stroke

    Suffers 1st Stroke
    John Quincy Adams suffers 1st paralytic stroke, but later returns to Congress.
  • Death

    John Quincy Adams dies in the US House of Representatives in the Speakers Office.