
Alan Chalmers (1939- )

  • University of Bristol

    In 1961 he graduated from Uiveristy of Bristol in Physics
  • University of Manchester

    He earned is MSc in Physics
  • University of London

    Granted PhD on electromagnetic theory of JC Maxwell
  • Fellow of the Academy of Humanities/Award

    Fellow of the Academy of Humanities/Award
    Elected to join as a Fellow of the Academy of Humanities. Later he was awarded the Centenary Medal by the Australian Government for his contributions.
  • The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone

    The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone
    A book where he reflects on the question of what sets scientific knowledge apart. The book is key for students and scholars of the history and philosophy of science. Chalmers, A. (2009). The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone: How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms (Vol. 279). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • What is this thing Called Science

    What is this thing Called Science
    A teaching resource for philosophy of science. He has completed a fourth addition, which includes his research on the history of Atomism. Chalmers, Alan F. What is this thing called science?. Hackett Publishing, 2013.