
John Polkinghorne

  • John Charlton Polkinghorne

    John Charlton Polkinghorne
    John Polkinghorne was born October 16, 1930, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England. John passed away on March 9 2021
    Cambridge, England.
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    John Polkinghorne Education

    Polkinghorne entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in October 1949. Among his contemporaries reading mathematics were Michael Atiyah and James Mackay. His pure mathematics tutor was Besicovitch while in applied mathematics he was tutored by Nicholas Kemmer. Polkinghorne took Part II of the Mathematical tripos in his second year, then took Part III in his third year, specialising in quantum mechanics. The core course in this topic was given by Dirac.
  • S Matirx

    S Matirx
    In 17Aug1953 John Polkinghorne and colleague's submitted his article to the American Physical Society. In 01Jan1954 his article got published and explain the scattering theory space time fields as well as other theory's. Definition of S Matrix
    S-matrix, also called scattering matrix, in quantum mechanics, array of mathematical quantities that predicts the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a given experimental situation.
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    Continuing Education

    After graduation Polkinghorne had spent three years as a research student at Cambridge. He completed his doctoral thesis and was awarded a Ph.D. in 1955, being elected to a fellowship at Trinity in the same year. His trip to the United States was to take up a postdoctoral Harkness Fellowship at the California Institute of Technology. During these last months he received an offer of a lectureship in theoretical physics in Edinburgh, Scotland
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    Contributions to mathematical physics

    Polkinghorne continued teaching at Edinburgh and also began supervising research students. After two years at Edinburgh he was invited to return to Cambridge as a lecturer. He was promoted to reader in 1965 then elected to a newly created professorship in Mathematical Physics in 1968. In 1974 he was honored for his outstanding contributions to mathematical physics.
  • Science and Religion!

    Science and Religion!
    The book is about a dialogue between 16 Scientists and Theologians. Eschatology, they claim, will "help clarify and cultivate the differences between truth claims in both fields." The book is about finding common ground with Science and Theology. It givves reason why people are so optimistic in the face of death.
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    Why is Quantum so mysterious?

    Here is a video of John explaining the mystery of the Quantum realm.
  • Death of John Polkinghorne

    Death of John Polkinghorne
    The Rev. John C. Polkinghorne, a renowned mathematical physicist who stepped down as a Cambridge professor to become a parish priest, died on March 9 at the age of 90 Cambridge United Kingdom.