
John Polkinghorne- 10/16/1930 - Present Day

  • Polkinghorne's Education

    Polkinghorne's Education
    John Polkinghorne began his education at the Trinity College of Cambridge. He earned his bachelor's in 1952 for mathematics, going on to earn his masters and doctorate in quantum field theory in 1956. He was then assigned lecturer for mathematical physics. Later he then became the professor of mathematical physics at the same institute. Turner, Darrell J. "John Polkinghorne" Britannica.com
  • Elementary Particle Physics

    Elementary Particle Physics
    In 1974, Polkinghorne used mathematical models to predict the path of quantum particles. In particle physics, elementary particles are subatomic particles with no substructure and being composed of other particles. Polkinghorne has also written a book " The Quantum World" which talks about particle physics and elementary particles. His work in particle physics also contributed to the discovery of the quark, which is a type of elementary particle that is a fundamental constitute of matter.
  • Polkinghorne's Religious Contributions

    Polkinghorne's Religious Contributions
    In 1979, Polkinghorne resigned from his position as professor of mathematical physics to pursue his theological studies and later becoming the priest of the Church of England in 1982. He has written several books on the contribution to theology and science. Some of his more famous book are "Science and Theology: An Introduction" and "Belief in God in an Age of Science". Polkinghorne's works helped bring a connection to science and religion.
    Turner, Darrell J. "John Polkinghorne" Britannica.com
  • Polkinghorne's thoughts on the existence of God

    Polkinghorne's thoughts on the existence of God
    Polkinghorne said "the question of the existence of God is the single most important question we face about the nature of reality". He believed that behind physical sciences their is at least one open to the idea there might be a divine mind and purpose of some sort behind what's going on. Polkinghorne believed God or a higher power played a role in the creation of everything and in turn, would be able to understand the discoveries behind the subatomic world in which he worked in.
  • Polkinghorne's Awards and Decorations

    Polkinghorne's Awards and Decorations
    In 1997, Polkinghorne was made a Knight Commander of the British Empire.He is also a Honorary Fellow of the St Chads College, and also awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of Durham in 1998. In 2002, he was awarded the Templeton Prize for his contributions to the connection between science and religion. Turner, Darrell J. "John Polkinghorne" Britannica.com
  • John Polkinghorne - Did God create from nothing?

    John Polkinghorne - Did God create from nothing?
    Here is my short educational video on Polkinghorne's thoughts on if God created everything and if everything within our universe including mass and energy even existed before God. https://youtu.be/C-RBaGLtjEc