John polkinghome

John Polkinghorne

  • Thought Experimentation

    A philosopher by the name of Hans-Christian Orsted introduced the term thought experiment. John Polkinghorne was one who brought it back to life through his work. Thought experimentation is identified as how we investigate the nature of things.
  • Born

    John Charlton Polkinghorne was born on October 16, 1930.
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Earned a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics From Trinity College in 1952.
  • Master's Degree

    A few years later, he earned a Master's Degree in Quantum Field Theory also at Trinity College in 1955.
  • Doctorate In Quantum Field Theory

    He continued his education at Trinity College, Cambridge and earned his Doctorate in 1956.
  • Doctorate in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics

    John Polkinghorne received another Doctorate in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics in 1974. This degree is a study of the law of physics.
  • Became an Ordained Minister

    In 1982 at Wescott House in Cambridge, he studied theological studies and in that same year became an ordained minister.
  • "The Way the World Is"

    John published his first book in 1983 titled "The Way the World Is." This book explained the relationship between science and religion.
  • Paradigm Shift

    In 1996, John Polkinghorne described in his book that quantum mechanics and christian theology are two examples of a shift, a theory that Kuhn talked about.
  • Video of John Polkinghorne

    This video is of John Polkinghorne talking about his two worlds: Religion and Science.
  • "Opening Windows onto Reality"

    John Polkinghorne wrote an article for "Theology Today" in which he states that we can view science as a "window" that we look through to help us understand the connection between the "Big Bang" and God's "plan" for how our world evolved. He also addresses life after death and how both the bible and science theories prove this.
    Polkinghorne, John. “Opening Windows onto Reality.” Theology Today, vol. 58, no. 2, Theology Today, July 2001, pp. 145–54, doi:10.1177/004057360105800202.
  • “Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship”

    In his book published in 2007, he explains how both science and religion both look for the truth and the similarity between them.
  • Title Photo Credit

    The photo of John Polkinghorne on the title page is courtesy of:
  • Education Citation

    Source of information for his education:
    Turner, Darrel, J. "John Polkinghorne" Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. October 12, 2018.