John mccarthy 007

John McCarthy

  • John McCarthy Born

    John McCarthy was born in Boston Massachusetts
  • John McCarthy graduates from the California Institute of Technology (Cal-Tech)

    Earned B.S in Mathematics
  • Studied automata models with John von Neuman

    Also met Marvin Lee Minsky, from there they later started the AI lab at MIT.
  • Graduates from Princeton with ph.D in Mathematics

  • Worked at Bell Labs

    Studied machine intelligence with Shannon.
  • First Idea of Artificial Intelligence

    McCarthy started a summer research project on the ideea of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Programs with Common Sense

    McCarthy wrote "Programs with Common Sense" where he mentions his ideas of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Professor at MIT/ LISP

    As a professor at MIT, McCarthy began to study the idea of a "lisp processor"
  • Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine"

    McCarthy publishes his paper, in which he talks about LISP as a universal language, as well as LISP being the language of choice for artificial intelligence research.
  • creation of CTSS

    In 1962, McCarthy at MIT, enabled a computer to be shared among several different users. This led to the creation of "Project MAC".
  • Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lboratory

    McCarthy started an AI research project at Stanford Computer Science program which was known as SAIL.
  • Turing Award

  • Computer Pioneer Award

  • IJCAI Award for Research Excellence

  • Kyoto Prize

  • National Medal of Science

  • Benjmanin Franklin Medal

  • John McCarthy dies