
John Lennon Role Model Timeline

  • Born

    Born in Liverpool, England during a blitzkrieg attack by the German Luftwaffe.
  • Formed first band

    Formed first band
    The Beatles evolved from Lennon's first band, the Quarrymen. Named after Quarry Bank High School, the group was established by him when he was 15, and began as a skiffle group.
  • Meeting Paul McCartney

    Meeting Paul McCartney
    Lennon first met Paul McCartney at the Quarrymen's second performance, held in Woolton at the St. Peter's Church garden fête, after which McCartney was asked to join the band.
  • George Harrison joins the Quarrymen

    George Harrison joins the Quarrymen
    The Quarrymen first recordingGeorge Harrison, a friend of Paul, joins the Quarrymen
  • Lennon's Mother Dies

    Lennon's Mother Dies
    John's mother is killed by an auto while crossing the road.
  • Married Cynthia Powell

    Married Cynthia Powell
    John Lennon marries his high school sweetheart
  • First child born

    First child born
    Julian Lennon was born to John and Cynthia
  • "In His Own Write" published

    "In His Own Write" published
    John's first book, In His Own Write, is published.
  • "A Spaniard in the Works" published

    "A Spaniard in the Works" published
    A Spaniard in the Works, John's second book, is published
  • Last Beatles Concert

    Last Beatles Concert
    The Beatles give their last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
  • John meets Yoko Ono

    John meets Yoko Ono
    John meets Yoko Ono at a preview of her art show, Exhibition #2, at London's Indica Gallery.
  • Divorce

    John and Cynthia are divorced
  • Married Yoko Ono

    Married Yoko Ono
    Lennon and Yoko Ono were married in Gibraltar and spent their honeymoon in Amsterdam campaigning with a week-long Bed-In for peace.
  • Lennon protests about the Vietnam War

    Lennon protests about the Vietnam War
    Lennon returned his MBE (Member of the British Empire), awarded by Queen Elizabeth to the Beatles in 1965, in protest over Great Britain's support for the Vietnam War.
  • Recorded song "Give Peace a Chance"

    Recorded song "Give Peace a Chance"
    John Lennon performing "Give Peace a Chance" The song was quickly taken up as an anti-war anthem and sung by a quarter of a million protestors against the Vietnam War in Washington, DC.
  • Recorded song "Imagine"

    Recorded song "Imagine"
    ImagineJohn records "Imagine" at his home studio at Tittenhurst Park.
  • Lennon performs to free Sinclair

    Lennon performs to free Sinclair
    Lennon performed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to free John Sinclair, leader of the White Panther Party, who had been arrested for selling two joints of marijuana to undercover policemen. Sinclair was released from prison three days after the rally when the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the state law regarding marijuana possession was unconstitutional.
  • Lennon ordered to leave United Stated

    Lennon ordered to leave United Stated
    John Lennon was ordered to leave the US within 60 days.
  • Lennon and Ono held a press conference

    Lennon and Ono held a press conference
    It was held to announce the formation of the conceptual state of "Nutopia"; a place with "no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people", and all of its inhabitants would be ambassadors. The Lennons asked for political asylum in the US while waving the white flag of Nutopia; two white handkerchiefs.
  • Lennon recieved his green card

    Lennon recieved his green card
    Lennon's application to remain a permanent resident of the U.S. was granted. Shortly after the court's decision, Lennon posed in front of the Statue of Liberty, flashing the peace sign.
  • Died

    Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman.