Artist lennon

John Lennon By Jon.Silkaitis

By Sejnost
  • Birth

    John was born in Liverpool England.
  • The give away

    John was transferred to his aunt.
  • School

    This is when John started grade school also when his Uncle teaches him how to read.
  • High school

    High school
    John started high school at Quarry Bank and made one of his bands the Quarry man.
  • Paul and George

    Paul and George
    Paul MacCartney join the Quarry men in college. Then George Harrison joins the group a year latter.

    This is when the beatles were named the beatles.
  • The start.

    The start.
    John got married, got a lable company,and Ringo Starr!
  • HELP!

    This is what year there first movie was filmed HELP!
  • Apple??????

    This is when Apple Corps or Apple Inc or just Apple was made for records, electronics, movies, and publishing.
  • Married again!

    Married again!
    John and Yoko Ono was mairred.
  • Bye paul

    Bye paul
    Paul left the band and the fimal film Lit be. Also a good song
  • The Nightmare

    The Nightmare
    John was shot in New York City with a 38 Revolver.
  • Bye George

    Bye George
    George died of Cancer