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John Hancock

  • Period: to


    The timeline of John Hancock
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    John Hancock was born in Braintree, Massachusetts on 1-23-1737. His parents were Reverent John Hancock and Mary Hawke Thaxter
  • Adopted

    His father died. John moved with his uncle Thomas Hancock and his uncle's wife Lydia Henchman. He was eventually adopted by the childless couple and raised as their own son.
  • College 1754

    College 1754
    Hancock graduated from the Boston Latin School.The BLS is the oldest existing school in the United States. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree.1750-1754
  • House of Hancock

    House of Hancock
    John's uncle dies and John inherits the house of hancock
  • Join the Protest

    Join the Protest
    Colonists start to protest the stamp act, then John Hancock joins the protest. In 1767 he leads a merchant boycott of British goods.
  • Smuggler?

    British Tried John Hancock as a smuggler. (get the joke? Hint: photo)
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Boston Massacre shocks the citizens of massachusetts
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    People in Boston protest taxes on tea and throw tea in the water.
  • President and Just Married

    President and Just Married
    John becomes president of the Second Continental Congress and marries Dorthy Quincy
  • Singer for Independence

    Singer for Independence
    John Hancock signs the declaration of independence and his daughter Lydia was born.
  • Tragity

    in 1777 Lydia Hancock dies
  • New baby

    John George Washington Hancock is born. (long name)
  • Governer

    1780-1785 John serves as Massachusetts governor
  • Amendments

    Proposes nine amendments, which become the beginning of the Bill of Rights and helped get constitution passed in Massachusetts.
  • Rest In Peace

    Rest In Peace
    On October 8, 1793 John Hancock dies in Boston Massachusetts.