Britians entered Jamestown in hope to find gold. They settled there and searched for gold to make money and be wealthy. -
Headright System
Colonist started the headright system and slaves got to be free after 7-10 years if they were still alive. They payed their freedom dues and were able to leave. -
Tobacco sales
By 1624, Virginia was selling millions in tobacco. It was a huge deal in this time and it was a nig money maker for most people. King James actually hated tobacco/ smoking, but he wanted / liked money so he kept selling it. -
Educating philipenos on American style learning
Olympian fellowship banquet of AMericans weathiest men
Carnegie Corporation
Two men chatting during surpreme court
Great Depression
McCuthcheon v. FEC
Framers gave good reason on why there should be a connection between politial speech and governmental action. -
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commison