John George Diefenbaker Timeline

By Connor6
  • Birth of John Diefenbaker

    John Diefenbaker is born in Neustadt Ontario
  • Alma Mater

    Alma Mater
    Picture from hereJohn Diefenbaker achived his bachelor's degree in Politics and Economics from the University of Saskatchewan, was the graduating class of 1918
  • A Lawyer First

    John Diefenbaker opens his first law firm in Wakaw Saskatchewan.
  • Defeated....

    Diefenbaker loses the Federal Election as a conservative
  • Leader of SK Conservatives

    Leader of SK Conservatives
    Picture from HereJohn Diefenbaker became the Leader of the Saskatchewan Conservative party. Diefenbaker presided over the Party until 1938 when the Conservative party won no seats.
  • Leader of the PCs

    Leader of the PCs
    Picture from HereJohn Diefenbaker succeeds George Drew as the Progressive Conservative party leader.
  • The start of a Great Prime Minister's careers

    The start of a Great Prime Minister's careers
    Picture from HereJohn Diefenbaker is elected Prime Minister of Canada
  • The Avro Arrow

    The Avro Arrow
    Picture from hereDiefenbaker orders the Avro arrow project cancelled. With the cancellation 14, 000 employees are out of work and Canada's interpreter aircraft now come from the United States. The Canadian Aircraft Industry is devastated.
  • The end of a PM

    Prime Minister Diefenbaker is elected out of office to be succeeded by Lester B Pearson
  • Death of John Diefenbaker

    John Diefenbaker dies in his Ottawa home