
John Dupre Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    John Dupre is born
  • Philosophy of Biology Explained

  • Cambridge University

    John receives his Ph.D from Cambridge
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    Philosophy of Biology

    John Dupre is a philosopher of biology, which means he studies biology in terms of classical philosophical causation and explanations.
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    Stanford Univeristy

    Dupre was a member of the Stanford University Dept. of Philosophy
  • First Book Published

    John publishes his first book "The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science" which talks about pluralistic metaphysics, non-reductiveness, and indeterministicism regarding the "disunity" of the scientific community.
  • Book Published - Dupre/Barnes

    Dupre teams up with Barry Barnes to write and publish "Genomes and What to Make of Them" which discusses genetics and genomics.
  • Paper Published - Dupre

    Dupre publishes essays related to genetics and genomics called "Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology."
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    Recent Works

    Dupre has been working on "A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology" this project focuses on a process-based ontology rather than thing-based or substance-based ontology.