Born July 3rd, 1952
John A. Dupré was born on July 3rd 1952. He is a well known British Philosopher whose main focus is the Importance of the Philosophy of Biology. -
- Studied Philosophy at Cambridge University between 1976-1981
- Stanford university’s department of philosophy (1982-1996)
- University of London at Birkbeck’s department of philosophy (1996-2000)
- University of Exeter’s department of Sociology and Philosophy (1998-2012).
In 1981 John received his Ph.D. at University of Cambridge -
Well Known Publications
"The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science" (1993)
"A Manifesto for a Processual Philosophy of Biology"(2018)
"Human Nature and the Limits of Science" (2001) -
Major Contributions
Dupre, John. "The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science". Harvard University Press, 1993
Dupre, John. "Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology". Oxford University Press, 2012. https://youtu.be/lklTdctDdIo -
Though his main interest is the philosophy of biology, he also makes contributions in systematics, genomics, microbiology, and the evolutionary theory. His most recent focus is researching the possibility of a fully process-centered biology.