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John Duprè Life Span
Key Event/ Moment
On June 15, 1983, John Dupré published "The Disorder of Things," a seminal work that marked a pivotal shift in his philosophical stance. This date is crucial as it signifies the moment when Dupré's ideas on reductionism in biology took a transformative turn. -
Summary of Contributions
John Dupré, born on March 1, 1952, has significantly shaped the philosophy of science, challenging reductionism and emphasizing nuanced perspectives. "The Disorder of Things," published on June 7, 1983, stands out as a seminal work critiquing reductionist approaches in biology. It argues for a holistic understanding of living organisms, acknowledging inherent disorder and complexity. -
Summary of Contributions Continued
Beyond biology, Dupré's impact spans various philosophical perspectives. He contends that reductionist views oversimplify scientific systems, hindering comprehensive understanding. His philosophy encourages a shift towards integrative and pluralistic perspectives, recognizing diverse factors contributing to scientific phenomena. -
Major Works
- Dupré, John. "The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science." Harvard University Press, June 7, 1993.
- Dupré, John. "Human Nature and the Limits of Science." Clarendon Press, April 15, 2003.
- Dupré, John. "Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology." Oxford University Press, August 16, 2012.