John Dupré 3 July 1952-Now

  • 2024 BCE

    John Dupré 3 July 1952-present

    2013-2018 Professor Dupré worked on a ERC-funded project: A Process Ontology for contemporary biology, this focused on shifting biology from a thing-or substance ontology to a process-centered ontology, Thing based ontology focuses that an object exists independent of our awareness, a tree that falls in the woods will make a sound. whereas process-based ontology puts everything in a ordered wholeness.
  • 2024 BCE

    John Dupré 3 July 1952-Present

    2002-20012 Director of the ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, focusing on the philosophical issues concerning the interpretation and implications of genetics and genomics.
  • 2024 BCE

    John Dupré 3 july 1952-present

    in 1993 he published the book The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science (Harvard University Press, 1993) discussing a non-reductive, indeterministic, and pluralistic metaphysics, and argues that this is much better suited to understanding contemporary science, especially biology, than is the monistic physicalism assumed by most contemporary philosophers of science.
  • Citation pt.2

    Dupré J (2022). Inmaculada de Melo-Martín and Kristen Intemann, <b><i>The Fight against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap between Scientists and the Public
    Dupré J, Leonelli S (2022). Process epistemology in the COVID-19 era: rethinking the research process to avoid dangerous forms of reification. European Journal for Philosophy of Science,
    Dupre J (2021). Caveat Editor: Competing Takes on CRISPR. Los Angeles Review of Books
    Dupré J (2021). The Metaphysics of Biology., Cambridge University Press.
  • John Dupré 3 July 1953-Present(Citiation)_

    Dupre John 2023 univeristy of exter
    Dupre J (2023). A Modest Defence of Philosophical Respectability. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 45, 26-32. Abstract.
    Dupré J (2023). The Disunity of Science and the Unity of the World Presidential Address, PSA 2022. Philosophy of Science, 1-15.
    Dupré J (2022). (Some) Species Are Processes. In (Ed) Species Problems and Beyond, CRC Press, 279-292.
  • Citeations pt.3

    Meincke AS, Dupré J (2020). Biological identity: Why metaphysicians and philosophers of biology should talk to one another.
    Dupre J (2020). Life as Process. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,
    Meincke AS, Dupré J (eds)(2019). Biological Identity. Perspectives from Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Biology