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John Dupré

  • John Dupré (1952-)

    Born on July 3, 1952.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    Received Ph.D at Cambridge in 1981 after spending two years studying in the U.S. as a Harkness Fellow.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    Revamped the Philosophy department after it was dissolved in the early eighties. This created new philosophy undergrad programs, in which led to him being the professor of Philosophy in 2000.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    Became the director of Egenis, the Centre of Life Study.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    Wrote “Darwin’s Legacy: What Evolution Means Today.” This book describes how the theory of evolution changed our perspective of the world and our place as humans within it.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    The Spinoza Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam, duties of which included two public lectures as well as leading a series of seminars with staff and graduate students at the University.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    worked on rethinking ideas about sex and gender from a processual perspective at Cambridge.
  • John Dupré (1952-)

    elected an Honorary International Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  • John Dupré (1952-)