Paul feyreabend

Paul Feyerabend

  • Born

    Philosopher Paul Feyerabend was born in Vienna, Austria on January 13th, 1924.
  • Drafted

    In 1942, shortly after graduating high school, Feyerabend was drafted into the German Reicharbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service). The Reich Labor Service was a mandatory s labor service for men and voluntary service for women un the Reich Ministry of the Interior. The Reicharbeitsdeinst's famous motto: "With spade and ear of corn".
  • Commission in the German Army, the Iron Cross, and lasting wounds.

    Commission in the German Army, the Iron Cross, and lasting wounds.
    From December 1943, Feyerabend would go on to serve as an officer in the German Army. He would later be awarded the Iron Cross and the rank of Lieutenant for injuries sustained during duty. Feyerabend sustained gunshot wounds to the hand, face, and spine spending the rest of the war recovering and leaving him with lasting disabilities.
  • From officer to playwright

    From officer to playwright
    After the war, Feyerabend would work as a playwright in Alpoda, Thuringia, Germany. His work was influenced by Bertolt Brecht, who would later offer Feyerabend an assistant position but was turned down.
  • Return to Vienna

    Return to Vienna
    In 1947, Feyerabend would return to Vienna to attend the University of Vienna where he would begin his studies in history and sociology but would later change his focus to physics.
  • The Alpbach Forum and Karl Popper

    The Alpbach Forum and Karl Popper
    In 1948, Feyerabend would attend the Alpbach Forum where he would meet philosopher Karl Popper.
  • Doctorate

    With a change of focus to philosophy and as a founding member of the Kraft Circle, Feyerabend would earn his doctorate from the University of Vienna under the supervision of Victor Kraft.
  • The London School of Economics

    The London School of Economics
    A year later, Feyerabend would choose Karl Popper as his supervisor due to his original choice, Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, unfortunately, passing away before his arrival. Feyerabend would study under Popper at the London School of Economics where he would later meet Hungarian philosopher Imre Lakatos.
  • Feyerabend in Academia

    Feyerabend in Academia
    In 1955, Feyerabend received his first appointment in academia at the University of Bristol where he would lecture on the philosophy of science.
  • University Of California

    University Of California
    Feyerabend would move to Berkeley, California for a visiting lectureship at the University of California.
  • An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience

    An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience
    Feyerabend wrote “An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience” paper in 1958. Drawing influence from Neils Bohr, this paper, Feyerabend would later note, is the origin of his notion of incommensurability.
  • On a Recent Critique of Complementarity

    On a Recent Critique of Complementarity
    Feyerabend published this paper in 1967-8 defending Neil Bohr's view against Popper's criticism.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    Seen as Feyerabend's most well-known work involving epistemological anarchism, "Against Method" is published in 1975.
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    Feyerabend continues his argument proposed in "Against Method" in the book, "Science in a Free Society", Published in 1978
  • Farewell to Reason

    Farewell to Reason
    "Farewell to Reason", is published, challenging scientific rationalism.
  • Farewell to Berkeley and Zurich

    Farewell to Berkeley and Zurich
    Feyerabend would leave the University of California first in 1989 and then eventually retire from ETH Zurich in 1991.
  • Death

    On February 11th, 1994, Paul Feyerabend passed away from a brain tumor at the Genolier Clinic in Switzerland.