John Dewey

  • The birth of John Dewey

    John Dewey was a philosopher and psychologist born in Burlington Vermont, on October 20, 1859. His parents were Lucina and Archibald Dewey. He was known as a leader of the education movement in the United States. Gouinlock, James S.. "John Dewey". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Sep. 2022, Accessed 20 September 2022.
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    Dewey’s teaching job

    John Dewey accepted his first teaching job as a high school teacher in Oil City, Pennsylvania, after graduation from the University of Vermont in 1879. After two years, he went on to teach at an elementary school in Charlotte, Vermont. He then went to Johns Hopkins University to earn his Ph.D. then accepted a faculty position at the University of Michigan.
  • The Psychology of Kant

    The Psychology of Kant
    While teaching at the University of Michigan between the span of (1884-88 and 1889-1894), John Dewey wrote his first dissertation “The Psychology of Kant”. He then future studied `children's psychology which was later developed into the philosophy of education. Gouinlock, James S.. "John Dewey". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Sep. 2022, Accessed 21 September 2022.
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    Philosophy of Education

    In 1890 Dewey became one of the co-founders of the University of Chicago. He was also the founder and director of a laboratory in Chicago, where he worked on his pedagogical method and aided in building education in1899. He then began the early thought of a new theory of knowledge called pragmatism. This idea went on to be published in a series of essays such as "thought and its Subject-Matter" and Logical Theory.
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    Theory of Knowledge and Metaphysics

    After leaving the University of Chicago for Columbia in New York, where he focused his work on the theory of knowledge and metaphysics, his study led to the publication of many books and essays, including The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and Other Essays in Contemporary Thought (1910), Essays in Experimental Logic(1916), How We Think (1910; revised ed. 1933), and Democracy and Education (1916).
  • Experience and Nature

    Experience and Nature
    While at Dewey’s reputation as an educational theorist and philosopher grew. Dewey spent his time working on Experience and Nature. Underlying his philosophical beliefs on the best way to make society interested and make them engage. Gouinlock, James S. "John Dewey". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Sep. 2022, Accessed 21 September 2022.
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    Even though Dewey from teaching in the 1930s he continued to work vigorously on his logical theory and other work. He continued to publish his work including Art as Experience (1934), A Common Faith(1934), Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, Freedom and Culture (1939), Theory of Valuation (1939), and Knowing and the Known(1949). Gouinlock, James S.. "John Dewey". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Sep. 2022, Accessed 21 September 2022.
  • John Dewey’s Death

    John Dewey’s Death
    On June 1, 1952, at the age of 92, John Dewey died of pneumonia at his home in New York, NY. Field, Richard. “John Dewey (1859—1952).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Northwest Missouri State University,