
John Dewey (1859 - 1952)

  • Birth

    John Dewey was born on October 20, 1859 in Burlington, Vermont
  • Head of Philosophy Department

    Dewey became the head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Chicago and served as the director of School of Education until 1904
  • My Pedagogic Creed

    My Pedagogic Creed
    One of John Dewey's earlier published works in which he introduces the idea of education is shaped only by what society allows it to be. The educational process has two sides: psychological and sociological impacts that are closely intertwined.
  • Dewey's Pedagogy. Theory in the Classroom.

    Dewey's Pedagogy. Theory in the Classroom.
    Dewey stated the teachers are responsible for creating and fostering and environment of exploration, creativity, critical thinking, and space to allow for inquiry. Therefore, allowing students to explore their interests and problem solve on their own.
  • Dewey founded and directed a laboratory at the University of Chicago

    Here Dewey was able to develop his ideas on pedagogical method and provided the material for his first major work The School and Society.
  • Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education

    Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
    Arguably John Dewey's most famous writing was published in 1916. He held the belief that democracy is not solely a political system, but rather an ethical ideal that necessitates the active and informed participation of citizens. He stressed that education is needed to prepare individuals for uncertainty and adaptability.
  • YouTube Video of John Dewey's Educational Ideal

    YouTube Video of John Dewey's Educational Ideal
  • References

    Field, Richard. John Dewey (1859-1952). Retrieved on 23 September, 2023 from Let’s Talk Philosophy. 2022. John Dewey’s Education Ideal. [Video] Stobie, Tristian. September 8th, 2016. Reflections on the 100th year anniversary of John Dewey’s ‘Democreacy and Education’. Retrieved from
  • John Dewey Dies

    John Dewey dies of pneumonia in his home in New York